Dufour DNA
Dufour arbejder konstant for fremtiden og designer hver ny model for at give den optimale fornøjelse og komfortable følelse uanset dit sejladsbehov, og hvordan du bruger din båd. I over 60 år har Dufour designet og bygget innovative og højt ydende sejlbåde. Dufour både er præget af en selvsikker karakter og en identitet, der kan genkendes blandt mængden, passer til dine ønsker og dit sejlads for at kunne tilbyde dig fantastiske og komfortable sejleroplevelser og stoltheden over at eje en elegant og sikker yacht fra et anerkendt mærke…

Dufour Virtual Marina
Næsten som at være der….. Gå ombord på den model du ønsker. Turen begynder på pontonerne i den nye Dufour Virtual Marina og tilbyder den mest realistiske besøgsoplevelse nogensinde! Udvendig udsigt over området, besøg fra bådenes dæk til interiøret ved at vælge Vintage og den version, der passer dig… Alt er samlet for at give dig en komplet og interaktiv mulighed for at opdage Dufours range fra dit eget hjem. …
Dufour Experience
Ejere af Dufour både sejler på alle verdens have… Fordi deres historier er Dufour’s største stolthed og glæde… Fordi disse sejlerhistorier for os er det bedste bevis på, at Dufour oplevelsen er både unik og kan deles… Vi inviterer dig til at opdage, gennem rigtige historier, Instagram-billeder eller endda fra Dufour fællesskabssiden et glimt af, hvad livet ombord på en Dufour-yacht handler om….

An innovative 32-foot sailing boat laden with intelligent features
The Dufour 32, 32-foot sailing yacht has been developed in the same spirit as all the latest models in the Dufour range, to be a sporty, innovative yacht that is easy to handle, both with a crew and single-handed.

The Dufour 37 is the only yacht in her size range to offer so many living spaces on board
The hull of the Dufour 37, like her big sistership the Dufour 470, is built using the infusion process for correctly controlled weight, greater strength and respect for the environment.

The New generation of Dufour sailboats promises to bring you thrills.
In line with our expertise, we have developed a high-performance, balanced hull for maximum control and incomparable steering finesse. Unrivalled seafaring qualities without compromising on ease of movement or mooring comfort.

You want greater thrills and you want them easily. Performance is simple.
The search for balance is the primary goal of the Dufour 430, 43-foot sailing yacht. An authentic cruiser with exceptional seafaring qualities, it truly embodies the aspiration of Dufour sailing yachts.

When Dufour’s know-how re-invets itself to craft the sailing boat of tomorrow. This result in a 47-foot sailing yacht which is both beautifylly designet and high-performance for incredible thrills.
The Dufour 470 combines both Dufour’s know-how and the Brand’s desire to innovate. This model, in line with its predecessor, enjoys the shipyard’s DNA while offering an edge of modernity.

When the legendary dufour performance and Grand Large ranges come together as one. The ultimate merger of two worlds has created a sailboat with incomparable characteristics.
The Dufour 530, a 53-foot sailing yacht is a vibrant reflection of our extensive know- how. Developed on the architectural premise of the Performance range, its authentic racer hull has been designed with exhilaration in mind. Comfort is key when cruising so we have combined the main Grand Large features with an open, secure, fully equipped deck.

An exceptionnal 41ft sailing boat
The Dufour 41 has been designed with a new look that focuses on the outdoor life on board.

The new perfect balance for at true cruising sailboat
Whether for experienced sailors or adventure-seeking lovers of the sea, the Dufour 44 sailing yacht is designed to deliver an unforgettable experiece.

Like you, we want to experience the ocean.

Once more, Dufour combines comfort with performance in the design of the new 61. The result is pure harmony to enhance your incomparable sailing experience
The Dufour 61, a 61-foot sailing luxury sailing yacht was designed and built in the tradition of the Dufour range. Developed to provide simple instinctive sailing, exciting and efficient, this new model combines luxury and simplicity.